Yarraville Club is conveniently located only 1 block from Yarraville Village. The Club is 105 years old and continues to service the needs of the local community today.

There wouldn’t be a resident who isn’t aware of The Yarraville Club.

We are located at 135 Stephen Street, Yarraville and we open from 10am until late every day

Everyone is welcome!

135 Stephen Street, Yarraville, VIC
P: (03) 9689 6033
W: yarravilleclub.com.au

Key Contacts

Ticketing Enquiries – rlooke@yarravilleclub.com.au
Dinner & Show/Reserved Seating Enquiries
 – info@yarravilleclub.com.au
Music Bookings – mark@leicashow.com.au
Comedy Bookingsmatthewhardy80@hotmail.com
Promoter – jamesyoung@cherryrock.com.au

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